Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I read this interesting book about making wishes and the history of wish making. It concerns the experience of Noelle Oxenhandler and how she took a year to make 3 wishes and experience how they came to pass. There are several things I learnt from that book:

A wish gives one the chance to release energy into the universe.

A wish must be made without doubt or fear or any negative thought/emotion that could deter the energy released in the wish from drawing what you need to you.

To make a wish requires one to take the extra mile and ensure that one does everything to bring oneself in alignment to the wish’s fulfillment.

A wish is best kept secret; only to be shared with those who can encourage you in keeping the wish alive.

One needs to be specific at times as to what you are wishing e.g. I wish for $299 to buy the new Alcatel on sale at Courts Homecentre.

One’s wish can be materialistic as well as psychological, spiritual or moral.

I’ve learnt all that and even more. To that end, I’ve taken it on myself to drawing up a wishlist and sending out all my conscious thought towards the power of the wish. I won’t detail it here because I want to keep it personal but you can know that it’s mostly material wishing.

Wish me luck!

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