Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Art of Giving

There’s something to be said
About our capacity to give
The ability to look past our selfish pride
And offer help to someone else
Maybe it’s God given or maybe not
But I believe that it is something
Deeply inherent in all human beings

The power to release a portion of our wealth
Be it time
Be it money
Be it material worth
Or even a listening ear
The gift of giving is never lost

The best form of giving expects nothing in return
The most apt gift is that from the heart
The most powerful person in the world is the giver
Tis truly said that it’s better to give than to receive

Our acts of giving open up channels of love
Our willingness to give can change a person’s life
Imagine how much better our world would be
If everyone gave, without conditions
If everyone shared without regret
But most of all if everyone was thankful for the things they had
And still had the chance to give once more

Blessed are the givers I say
For theirs is the gift of love

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