Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Art of Giving

There’s something to be said
About our capacity to give
The ability to look past our selfish pride
And offer help to someone else
Maybe it’s God given or maybe not
But I believe that it is something
Deeply inherent in all human beings

The power to release a portion of our wealth
Be it time
Be it money
Be it material worth
Or even a listening ear
The gift of giving is never lost

The best form of giving expects nothing in return
The most apt gift is that from the heart
The most powerful person in the world is the giver
Tis truly said that it’s better to give than to receive

Our acts of giving open up channels of love
Our willingness to give can change a person’s life
Imagine how much better our world would be
If everyone gave, without conditions
If everyone shared without regret
But most of all if everyone was thankful for the things they had
And still had the chance to give once more

Blessed are the givers I say
For theirs is the gift of love

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Trial and Error

I’ve spent the last three weeks baking and trialing various recipes. One morning, I tried my hand at making waffles and it came out nicely (and I made maple syrup to go with it). That same day, I baked a chocolate cake but I burnt the bottom (too long in oven) and I almost broke my right arm whisking the butter and icing sugar for the cake. The icing turned out very nice.

The next week, I found a flapjack recipe in a magazine and offered to make a batch for breakie again. It was delicious!!

That following afternoon, mum asked me to make some more flapjacks for tea and I came up with a hitch and bungled the pancakes.

Just Thursday gone by, I taught the ladies in church how to make chocolate coconut balls (ChoCo Balls) that was a favourite recipe of mine from a long time ago. It turned out perfect (as usual) and the children loved it (as well as their mother’s).

Last night (by the way, this is one of my home made posts that were uploaded the next day), I made chocolate fudge and believe me when I say that it was a LONG TIME since I had last made that particular delicacy. I was hooked and wanted to try it again but I came up short and bungled the caramel mix (SHIT).

I don’t know how many more recipe’s I’m gonna try my hand at but it looks very promising for me. Mum says I have the makings of a good desert chef at home… LOL

I hope I can prove her right…

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The One Thing I Hate

This is a post i forgot to put up way back after the Cyclone:

If there is one thing I utterly detest in this world when concerning the relationships that people share with each other is the act of a Man beating a Woman into a semblance of submission and fear. It is one thing I will not tolerate.

This is what is happening to me at this point in time. There’s a young couple in church who – during the hurricane, had an argument and the wife was beaten severely by her husband. When I saw the extent of her injuries, I was appalled and disgusted that this could happen to one so young. When I say that they are young, I mean, they are my age. The thing that has me in a twist is that the boy has a position in the church that is very important and requires tact in managing. When I saw his wife, I was all in for him being stood down from his position and being replaced by someone who was more balanced in his family life. Of course I didn’t actually voice that opinion to mum and dad because it wouldn’t be fair for me to do so.

Right now they’re having music team rehearsals and I’m sick just looking at his ugly mug. I mean it, this boy is a no looker for good reason – he’s just plain ugly. I’m not being biased in saying that, it’s true. I’m not beating around the bush when I say that he is one ugly “fothermucker”. Gawd, I really detest him right now. From the moment I first met him, I just knew that there would be something about him I would come to hate and that premonition just came true. I detest this boy for the mere fact that he beat his wife after an argument. Argh!

Gets my blood boiling. In fact when I do post this, it’s not going in as a perspective, no I’m making it a full rant.

The funny thing is that since I’m so good at wearing masks, I can be cool around him but deep inside I’m boiling with resentment for him and what he’s done. People might tell me that it’s nothing to do with me, but what happens if he does it again and she dies??? Do we then step in at that minute??? Prevention is better than cure in my opinion and it applies very much into this instance. If I have to threaten him, I will. I will not accept someone who will stoop that low as to beating someone unable to defend herself. If it was a woman beating a man, I’d be ok with that; but vice versa??? HELL TO THE FCUKING NO!!!

The sad thing about this is that I can never again look at him with the respect I once had for him. Now, all I see is a wife beater and it’d take a miracle to change my mind about him. I’m hoping to let mum know this so that at least she’ll understand how I will be acting to this particular boy (I call him boy because he’s not worth me naming him a man… fcuk that shit)

That’s about it for me, now. I might come up with another rant soon if I’m not done getting angry with the bloody bastard.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I read this interesting book about making wishes and the history of wish making. It concerns the experience of Noelle Oxenhandler and how she took a year to make 3 wishes and experience how they came to pass. There are several things I learnt from that book:

A wish gives one the chance to release energy into the universe.

A wish must be made without doubt or fear or any negative thought/emotion that could deter the energy released in the wish from drawing what you need to you.

To make a wish requires one to take the extra mile and ensure that one does everything to bring oneself in alignment to the wish’s fulfillment.

A wish is best kept secret; only to be shared with those who can encourage you in keeping the wish alive.

One needs to be specific at times as to what you are wishing e.g. I wish for $299 to buy the new Alcatel on sale at Courts Homecentre.

One’s wish can be materialistic as well as psychological, spiritual or moral.

I’ve learnt all that and even more. To that end, I’ve taken it on myself to drawing up a wishlist and sending out all my conscious thought towards the power of the wish. I won’t detail it here because I want to keep it personal but you can know that it’s mostly material wishing.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

You Drive me Crazy!!!

It’s that look in your eyes
You know
The one that swallows me whole
That look that sees through me
Making me feel like I’m there but again I’m not

It’s the way you hold my hand
Each stroke & caress
Hitting me with the force of a lightning bolt
That touch that says so much more
Than words could ever convey

It’s the way you say my name
Each inflection and consonant
Echoing in the halls of my heart
Sending shivers down my spine to my toes
Turning me to helpless clay
Your breathy whisper that leaves me wanting more

I’m sure
You know by now
That you drive me crazy
Your mere presence is enough
To make me swoon in ecstasy

And so I sit here
Writing this ode
Hoping to never lose this feeling
That only you could arouse in me


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I'm headed to India

Oh yeah.... this is something quick just to show y'all what i'll be up to in NOvember:

if you haven't guessed it's a program that'll see me in New Delhi... YAY!

oh and here's a little something to commemorate India: