Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Day Will Return

In a sea of eternal night
When all is lost & desperate
In a time of endless darkness
When the spirit is battered & torn
In a waste of black horizons
When all that is seen is hatred & death

I believe that the day will return

In the moments when hope disappears
In the hours of unending pain
In the instance when suffering abounds
When living no longer is gain

I believe that the day will return

In the desert of infinite thirst
And a wasteland of total desolation
In swampy mires of drowning depression
And arid mountains of rising trouble

I believe that the day will return

I believe
The day will return in all its glory
Bringing hope & change
Relieving all suffering & pain

The day will return & forever stay
With its light & warmth
Healing & rest
Everything good & kind
Like sugar & spice

I believe that this night will not last
And Day will come with the sun
Battling its way through the dark
Ushering in a new dawn, a new Day
For you
For me
For everyone

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