Monday, July 5, 2010

A Parody of Nature's Love

Mother Nature must really love us
She showers her love upon us each and every day
Raging sun, freezing storms, devastating winds and thirsty deserts
Volcanoes erupting, earthquakes rocking and waves surging
We feel and see her love for Humanity each and every day

Why does she love us so much?
Just think about it,
We destroy her virgin forests to expand our cities
We spill millions of barrels of oil into her oceans and seas
We kill indiscriminately the whales, the deer, the elephants, the lions, the tigers, the bears
And the list goes on and on,
In fact no creature of the animal kingdom is safe from us
Isn’t it a wonder that Mother Nature loves us???

She’s grateful to us for destroying the protective covering
That shields us from the sun’s rays
She giggles every time we dig deep mines into her face
Searching for gold, diamonds and every other mineral under the sun
She is happiest when we create landfill after landfill to contain all our waste and litter
Yes, I’m sure she loves us for all the fun things we do

In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if her love consumes us
Drowning our islands, flattening our cities
Burning our homes and killing every single human in existence
What greater expression of love could we ever expect from our Mother?

This could be food for thought,
How much more do we love ourselves?
To ensure our survival in the face of Mother Nature’s love

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